Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Bowling fundraising event on August 9, 2014. Be there!!!!!

9th Annual Bowl-4-Animal Rescue

A fun-filled Pledge Driven Event!


On-line Registration and Pledge Drive is going on NOW!!!!

Professional bowlers Aleta Sill and Michelle Mullen host this event…..100% of Proceeds helps animals in need!

You do not have to bowl to participate. Create your own on-line fundraising page!

Receive prizes for pledge levels!

Our Gifts to You
Raise $100 in Pledges, receive a T-shirt. (offline pledge collectors must submit size by Aug 1st!)

Raise $300 in Pledges,receiveVIB (Very Important Bowler) Status at Event
Express Check in at Event
Special Meal Ticket to Eat Early
$10 in Raffle Tickets
Free Entry to win a Special Prize

Monthly Fundraiser Raffles
Each month, May thru August, we will be raffling off a prize pack to a lucky fundraiser.

Raise a minimum of $25 in donations during the month of the raffle (so for the May raffle raise at least $25 in May; for the June raffle, raise at least $25 in June, etc.)
Any offline donations must be submitted to the pro shop by the end of the month of the raffle to be counted.

Top Fundraisers
HighestPledgeGetters can win Special Prizes. Check back as we list details and add prizes!

Chef’s Tasting 8 course meal for 6 at Coach Insignia

Chef’s Tasting 8 course meal for 6 at Novi ChopHouse
Detroit Tigers Suite for 26; includes 4 parking passes
and more!

Be sure to check out all of the Fundraising Tips to learn how you can raise lots of $$$ to help the many animals in need! Download and print Pledge Collection Form.

Highest Fundraiser will be announced during bowling event and wins a NEW bowling ball of choice w/ private lesson!


Sponsorship Opportunities available! Call for more information!

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