Wednesday, September 17, 2014

One Safe Responsible Place for Cats

The majority of our target area is not safe for cats and kittens to be trapped, spayed, neutered and released.

The are, however, a few cat lovers in the community that really try to make a difference for the stray, abandoned and street cats. The Animal Care Network tries to assist them as best as we can.

One such fellow cat lover, May, who lives in a more secluded area of the city is one of these people.

She started out by taking litter, after litter to the local shelters or calling ACN to pick them up, but realized that was not solving the problem or reproduction issue. The mother and father cats were wild and would continue the cycle. She was also tired of seeing these poor pregnant cats trudging through the snow in the winter and finding dead kittens in the spring.

So with the help of the Oakcat program and All About Animals we stepped in to help.

We were able to trap all of the adult cats and have them spayed and neutered and return to May’s property where she has shelter and a feeding station set up for them.

Again, this is one of the very few, safer situations in our target area.