Thursday, August 28, 2014

Mother and Kittens Rescued

This lovely mother cat and her kittens were rescued from a vacant house, where they were locked in a closet. Thankfully a scrapper alerted the Animal Care Network right away. They were so thirsty they dove into the bowl of water and drank like they had never had water before. They were so happy to be rescued!

Sadly, our target area is often a very evil, unkind place for animals! That is why the ACN is there!

Luckily we were able to get them into the Michigan Animal Rescue League where they were nursed back to health, vaccinated and spayed and neutered before adoption.

Thanks to the scrapper and thanks to MARL!!!

RIP Peanut

Poor little Peanut was thrown out of a car by some very nasty people. Thankfully, a KIND person witnessed this and called the Animal Care Network.

Peanut suffered from internal bleeding and a spine injury and sadly we had to have him humanely euthanized. To add to these injuries he was skin and bones.

Poor little guy, whatever happened to taking a unwanted dog or cat to a local animal shelter?

There are three animal shelters within minutes from our target area, but evil people would rather throw an innocent animal out of a car then do the right thing.

Shame on you and anyone who could do something like this.

Rest in peace little Peanut, we are glad that we were able to help you out of your pain.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Another reason to get your female animals spayed!

There are so, so many reasons to get your female dogs spayed! Get your dogs spayed before something like this happens!!!

We are so tired of seeing these poor female dogs like this during and after their heat cycles. This is extremely common in pit bulls and pit bull mixes.

Can you imagine how painful this must be for them?

This can be prevented by getting your dog spayed!
Don't wait until an emergency situation is upon you.

This condition can cause severe infection, even death
if not treated and taken care of properly and immediately. It is also extremely expensive!

Please call today to get your dogs and cat fixed!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

"Biggie" An Old Rescue Story

Four years ago an ACN volunteer rescued a black mixed puppy that was being sold on the street. A young kid was seriously trying to make some money from a innocent puppy that he got for free, he wanted 100.00 for the puppy.

Many attempts were made to get this puppy and speak with the parents of the kid that was selling her.
Maybe one of our volunteers had to actually make a deal with the kid?????

Long story short, ACN does not give up and rescued Black Bear who was put in a foster home.
A friend of the foster home fell in love with her and ended up adopting “Biggie” and she is spoiled rotten.

We had the honor of running into Biggie and her dad four years later. She is one of the luckiest dogs in the world seriously.

Upon meeting Biggie’s owner, he thanked the ACN so much for rescuing a part of their family. They absolutely adore her!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Warm welcomes!

Animal Care Network teams many times receive a warmer welcome from the dogs that they get from the owners!!!

Another productive ACN weekend thanks to Marie, John, Jenn and Tracy!! You made many dogs and cats happy and much more comfortable!!