Friday, March 20, 2015

R.I.P. Rocky

Thanks to the volunteers who helped out with poor Rocky. I think he affected all of us in the same manner.
We did more for him that the owner ever did in the one short abusive year of his life.
The owner called the ACN and demanded that Rocky be picked up immediately before they “killed” him with “their own bare hands”.
Thanks to the volunteer for turning around and going back to Pontiac to get him immediately.
Thanks to the three volunteers for watching over him and trying to work with him for several days, with no luck, no progress whatsoever.
Thanks to the volunteer who was able to get him out of the kennel without using a control stick which would have just stressed him out more.
Rocky finally somewhat relaxed in a big cage in the rescue van on a comforter and finally stopped shaking and trembling. He still bared his teeth and warned us to stay away but it was about as less stressful for him as it could have possibly been considering his temperament and distrust for humans.
Thank to the compassionate veterinarian at a local animal shelter that gave him a little sedative in the van so he would not stress anymore.
Thank you to the volunteers that helped carry him and petted him and talked to him while he was on his way to heaven, truly a much better place for this poor dog, a victim of his surroundings like we have never seen.
May those awful people face their judgement some day for what they did to him and let’s hope and pray they do not get another, we will have to keep an eye on this address.
Thanks again to all the volunteers, animal welfare workers and veterinarians that attempt to make this transition to Heaven for dogs and cats like this as loving and as peaceful as possible. This is the part of this work that no body wants to do and many will not do. For those that we rescue that cannot be saved due to health or temperament we must follow through until the end.
If Rocky only knew for this short time by the sounds of our voices, our calm actions and our willingness to help him, then we did our part and we did right by Rocky!
Rest in peace Rocky, no more beating, kicking, torture, chaining and isolation.
In your memory we will continue to never turn our backs on dogs that are not adoptable.
Proverbs 12:10 The righteous care for the needs of their animals,
but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Puppies rescued from deplorable conditions!!!

Another big thank you to our Sue for rescuing these puppies and believe us, it was not easy. Sue was gifted with the power of persuasion and while on an ACN welfare check found these three puppies in disgusting, deplorable conditions.  She was ot leaving without them.  They were being kept in a Tupperware container filled with urine and feces and were completely emaciated and dehydrated, who know when the last time they ate or drank was.

 They were trying their best to climb out of this isgusting "container" and were covered in urine burn and feces.The puppies were immediately put in a foster home where they enjoyed a nice warm bath, food and water, such good water! Sadly but not surprisingly, they came down  with the parvovirus and only one survived.  Even with vet care, their condition being so poor and bodies so frail,  the two just couldn't fight it. No food, no water, no vaccines is a recipe for disaster! It is a miracle that one survived.  Solo" will be adopted once he is fully vaccinated and neutered.

Great work Sue, your continued dedication on behalf of the animals continues to amaze us.

As all of us in rescue know, not all of our stories have happy endings but we still have to tell them!
Animal welfare workers and volunteers are not the creators of these terrible stories, but always are willing jump in to pick up the pieces!

Rest in peace to the two that we lost, we are sorry we didn't get to you sooner!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Cats outside during brutal cold!

On a routine ACN stop, we noticed over ten cats trying to stay warm at the house next door.  They were huddled up against every heat vent and taking refuge in two small dogloos that were obviously put out by the resident to help them stay warm.  The dogloo were beginning to fill with snow.  We put some straw in the houses and dumped some food, they all came scrambling to eat as we were pulling away.  They were clearly feral.

No one was home.
Sadly the stray, feral cat problem is overwhelming in our target areas and it is not always a safe environment for these guys.
We will revisit this address and attempt to trap these cats or see if the resident is interested in getting them spayed and neutered.  Many of the females are clearly pregnant, so this problem will begin to expand very soon.  It all started with ONE unfixed cat!!!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Cold spell - volunteers will be out!

The Animal Care Network volunteers will continue to be on the streets every day checking on the outdoor dogs and cats like these guys!!

Temperatures can possibly dip to 10 to 20 below with the wind chill factored in.
If you see an animal that you are concerned about, please call your local animal control, animal shelter or animal rescue group immediately!!!

Friday, January 30, 2015

Another reason to spay your female dog!

While Ky was flaming in heat her owner had the brilliant idea to “take her out for breeding”.  (Sadly, we have been hearing this phrase quite a bit lately. Ky was already swollen enough, but this is what happened afterwards, a prolapse uterus. Ky was swelling more each day and it was not looking good.

Thankfully from some great communication and education from our volunteer Sue and immediate response from our friends at All About Animals, Ky was spayed, vaccinated and kept overnight for recovery.
The Animal Care Network provided financial assistance to get this done and Ky is now doing really great!!  She could have died had this gone untreated.
All in all a job well done, good education, owner’s that were willing to listen, great care from All About Animals and one less litter of pit bull puppies in our target area.